ALSC#10 - BONUS episode (english version !!)

Hi guys !

Here is the english version of my bonus episode where I share my scientific recommandations to be less bored in this stay-at-home period. As I have some English friends that requested an english version of my podcast, here is my first step ! Sorry for not doing more in English but I work on it !

Here are the links to what I’m talking about in this episode:

- French version of this episode 


- Once a Scientist 

- Science Vs. 

- Ologies 


- Scilabus

- Ameoba Sisters 


- Nikon Small World

- STEM toy expert 


- #womeninscience 

- Rogan Brown 

- memesonscience 


- Bouletcorp by Boulet 

- Brazen by Penelope Bagieu 

I hope you will enjoy it as much as it was fun for me to record it ! (First time I hear myself talking in english!) Don’t forget to share with anyone around you that could be interested in this content. If you are enough, maybe I will do an English version of the real episodes ! 

See you soon !

Bye !